The South Tyne runs through the beautiful land of Lambley Farm which has its own private salmon, sea trout and trout fishing beat. The fishing is double bank and about one and half miles long stretching from Lambley Viaduct to a couple of hundred yards below the A689 road bridge. The South Tyne here at around 500ft is perhaps the last of the “lowland” beats as upstream the river climbs steeply over 1,300ft in just 20 miles to its source at Tynehead. Perhaps this is why the Lambley pools become well stocked with running salmon and sea trout which often rest in the big pools ready for the last dash up the ever steepening and shrinking river.
The South Tyne is a “spate river” which means it rises and falls quickly depending on the rainfall on the high Pennine hills some 20 miles south. A flood in the morning can mean ideal conditions by the afternoon! Fishing is perfect at 1ft to 2ft above normal summer flows but can be very tricky in low and clear water. As the river rises it also colours up, turning from crystal-clear to a lovely sherry or tea colour at 6in to 1ft (perfect for fly fishing) then darkening with increased peat stain over 2ft. Above 3ft the river is more suitable for spinning than fly fishing. In lowish water, night time fishing for sea trout in the dark can be very exciting and with an average of 4lbs these fish are superb sport.
Salmon build up in the pools from July onwards and a wet summer can offer terrific sport for salmon but the big numbers usually arrive in autumn when even complete beginners have a good chance of catching. Many first time salmon have been caught at Lambley! Being a double-bank beat Lambley Farm is also ideal for teaching fly fishing and especially Spey casting as you can decide which side to fish depending on the wind direction. Qualified tuition and guiding is available on request.
Being on the Cumbria/Northmberland border it is within easy driving distance from the Midlands northwards but we also offer four large self-catering cottages for fishing groups as well. Book now and catch the fish of a lifetime!
The salmon & sea trout fishing begins when they arrive in the beat usually from late May or June onwards and the season ends on October 31. Brown trout fishing begins March 22 and ends September 30.
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